Fantastic Mr.Fox

Fantastic Mr.Fox

Image result for fastastic Mr.Fox

Fantastic Mr.Fox is a stop motion animation published on 2009 years. Fantastic Mr.Fox directed by Wes Anderson. Novel Written by Ronald Dahl. Screenplay by Wes Anderson and Noah Baumbauh. Fantastic Mr.Fox genres are Family, Animation, Comedy and  Adventure film. 

Fantastic Mr.Fox is a adult fox fallen in love with felicity fox. Mr. fox and its family live in the tree. Mr.Fox with its friend Kylie go to Beans Factory steal chicken and cider apple beer. Bean factory employee and Bean factory CEO are very angry and they want to kill every animal nearby their farm and factory. Mr.Fox and animals beat those human. At the end, animals survival at underground sewer. Mr.Fox, its family and its friends found a closed supermarket and they celebrated Mrs.Felicity Fox pregnant new baby.

Fantastic Mr.Fox have a happy ending. This film show animals have to survive because of hunters want to kill them. Fantastic Mr.Fox focus on animal feeling with human behaviour. A simple short motion animation show the evil farmers is a protagonist versus a cunning Mr.Fox in the story. Mr.Fox is a good male fox care of its cub. Mr.Fox protect family, advice his sons, it responsibility as a father ,brave, and search food for its family. Its really love its family and this film show daddy's love.

Human bomb Mr.Fox's treehouse. The creativity using those material create stop motion image explosive effect. The important explosion showed the hunters want to kill the animal and they do dig and search for Mr.Fox's family. The important mise-en scene are 3 Bean Factory. The Mr.Fox always talk about these 3 places as its target for food. Overall mise-en scene show the American culture farmhouse, factory, the town and more. The guns as a weapon always part of the American film important props. Camera middle close up shot when one single character talk. Close up shot when Mr.Fox talk and smile. Middle Long shot when many characters in one scene. The low angle shot when 3 characters show the character are very powerful when they go for rescue mission. Most of the scenes lighting and colour balance are warm and orange. They inside underground lighting is hard and low. Sometimes normal white balance lighting likes they at the supermarket.

In conclusion, Fantastic Mr.Fox film style and camera shot is different compare to Isle of Dogs. Wes Anderson try to match Japanese camera long shot style in Isle of Dogs. Fantastic Mr.Fox has few emotion in the story are Positive, Happy and Sad. Animals survive and hide at the underground sewer make animal lover feel sad. The Wes Anderson film story style always focus on animal and hunters. Hunters is the human protagonist in the film who want to hunt and kill the animals. This film is nicer than Isle of dogs because of the camera composition. Fantastic Mr.Fox story is suitable for children unlike Isle of Dogs about imagination politic crisis.

References :

IMDb (2009).
Fantastic Mr.Fox(2009). Retrieved From


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