Isle of Dogs

Isle of Dogs (2018)

Isle of Dogs is a stop-motion animation published on 2018 directed by Wes Anderson. There are four Screen Writer. They are Wes Anderson, Roman Coppola, Jason Schwartzman and Kunichi Nomura. Major Actors are Atari, and the dogs named Chief, Rex, King, Duke and Boss. The antagonist in the film is Mayor Kobayashi. Minor characters are Tracy Walker, Mayor-Domo, Professor Watanabe, Assistant Scientist Yoko-Ono and many others side characters. Isle of Dogs is made by American and Japanese. Kunichi Nomura is a talent in this company, he do Screen Writer and Voice Acting Mayor Kobayashi. One of the voice actress name Yoko-Ono put her real name in the character, she is Assistant Scientist Yoko-Ono. This spirit tells us that she really into the film.

The story: In the fantasy Japan Dynasty Era, dog are human best partner and the dogs been recorded as a wall paintings art style scenes in the film. At the begin, deadly dog flu virus spread in the Japan. All dogs been banished to the Trash Island. A island full of trash as their junkyard in the world of Isle of Dogs. Five dogs are survive together as a team. Their named Chief, Rex, King, Duke and Boss. Soon, A boy named Atari came to trash island by his own plane.  Rex, King, Duke, and Boss help Atari to search his lot dog named Spots except Chief ignore Atari. A long journey, Rex, King, Duke and Boss stuck at the recycling machine left the Atari team with Chief. Atari and Chef found Spots and they begins to fight with robotic dog and Mayor Kobayashi. Mayor Kobayashi banished all dogs out of Japan. Mayor Kobayashi love cats and he wants his new idea of robotic dogs been a successful business in the future. Professor Watanabe and Assistant Scientist Yoko Ono complete discover the cure for dog flu. Tracy and high school students protest Mayor. Atari save the dogs back to Japan. The dogs have been cure and happy ending.

This film have positive and negative in the film. Positive is they save the dogs from the dangerous deadly dog flu. Negative is this film talk about complicated government mindset, speeches, news and society problem. The negative point is a big issues that do not let pure children and teenagers know about the real society problem. In my opinion, children could not know about the government complicated because they are focus on their education. Isle of Dogs inspire high school students protest for gun control in real life. This negative happened to American society changes make 14 shooting and 17 dead.  The film created political issues and not entertain. I suggest that if anyone work as a Animator, you jobs is to make film for kids and do not created anything relate to political issues.

Isle of dogs the stop motion animation staging too bad. The composition of the film is not follow any rule of third and rule of camera angles. Everything scene is balance and straight like a paper 2D flat mise en scene in the begining of this film. In the middle of the film, the mise en scene start to improve. The staging is too flat and weird.

Image result for isle of dogs scenes

The size of the model characters is quite huge. Every stop motion animation require macro lens and technique for the camera shot. I could not find any good cinematography. An example, Low angle to make person powerful and high angle to make a person weak and small in this film. Narrative is Japanese language and English subtitles. All Journalist reporter scenes and news is character speak in Japanese languages and a american reporter translate the speech in English. All the dogs inside film is talk in English languages. Tracy is the character speak English and Japanese in the film. Plot climax scenes start from the fighting robotic until the end of fight.

In conclusion, Wes Anderson try to archieve Japanese style 2D camera shot in this film. The real Japanese film most of the scene are long shot. This Stop Motion animation show when a president not solve the problem and citizen begin assembly. The complicated politic behind the news media. The fantasy world with politic issues because the dogs flu problem. This film may change audiences perspective to look at animals.

References : 

Alexander B.(2018).
          How 'Isle of Dogs' perfectly (and accidentally) predicted the rise of student-led change.                        Retrieved from

USA Today US Edition(2018).
           Young Protesters in 'Isle of Dogs' mirror real life. Retrieved from


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